The Devil's Bath

Set in 1750 Austria, at a time when villages were surrounded by deep forests. There, a deeply religious woman has married her beloved, but her mind and heart soon grow heavy as her life becomes a long list of chores and expectations. Day after day, she is increasingly trapped in a murky and lonely path leading to evil thoughts, until the possibility of committing a shocking act of violence seems like the only way out of her turmoil.

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Awaiting Release
June 28, 2024 (Shudder)



Shudder debuts the movie via their streaming service in the US. Emily Gotto, Shudder’s vice president of global acquisitions and co-productions was quoted saying: "Veronika and Severin are an incredible filmmaking duo that have been terrorizing audiences for years. With ‘The Devil’s Bath,’ they’ve delivered an utterly harrowing new vision. We can’t wait to share this chilling, impactful film with Shudder members this summer." (2/15/24)

Also known in German as Des Teufels Bad.

Written/directed by Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz (duo behind 2014's Goodnight Mommy and The Lodge).

Described as a movie that "tackles the horrors of depression and aims to give a voice to women who have been unheard throughout history."

This is a German psychological thriller.

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