Late Night with the Devil

A live television broadcast in 1977 goes horribly wrong, unloosing evil into the nation’s living rooms.

David Dastmalchian
Laura Gordon
Ian Bliss
Fayssal Bazzi
David Dastmalchian
Laura Gordon
Ian Bliss
Fayssal Bazzi

On Shudder
March 22, 2024 (Limited) April 19, 2024 (Shudder)


Rated R for "violent content, some gore, and language including a sexual reference."



IFC Films and Shudder will distribute the movie in the US.

Filmed in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Producer Roy Lee was quoted saying the following about the film: "I almost didn’t read the script, because I was like, ‘That is such a cheesy title. There is no way this movie is going to be something that’s not going to be just a B-movie.’ But then I was told by a person I trust, ‘You have to read this script.’ I am so glad I read the script. I don’t know if anyone remembers the show The Larry Sanders Show. Imagine that, and this is the last episode being shot because Larry decides to do an on-air exorcism that goes awry and causes this to be the last episode."

The Cairnes brothers said the following about the film: "In the ’70s and ’80s there was something slightly dangerous about late-night TV. Talk shows in particular were a window into some strange adult world. We thought combining that charged, live-to-air atmosphere with the supernatural could make for a uniquely frightening film experience."

Written/directed by Cameron Cairnes and Colin Cairnes (duo behind 100 Bloody Acres and Scare Campaign).

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