The Deep Dark

Set in 1956, Amir leaves his home country of Morocco out of financial necessity. He’s sent to Pas-de-Calais to work in the worst mine in France, known as the Devil’s Island. Shortly after his orientation, he’s assigned to a group that has been ordered to accompany a professor under the pretense of collecting samples.

But once they’re down in the deep dark, it quickly becomes clear that the professor has another agenda and that he’s looking for something quite different. When the miners blow up a gallery to access an older mine that had been condemned a century earlier, they uncover a secret chamber filled with traces of an ancient civilization. As the miners realize that the discovery will result in the mine’s closure, greed leads them to do the unthinkable, thus dooming the entire expedition.

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Awaiting Release
TBD 2024/2025 (US)




There's currently no US distribution.

Written/directed by Mathieu Turi (Hostile, Meander), who was quoted saying: "The Deep Dark will be a mix of horror and adventure, in the best tradition of H.P. Lovecraft stories, but set in a French reality and a strong social context. After Meander, I’m lucky enough to work again with FULLTIME STUDIO on this crazy project I deeply love. It’s going to be a character-driven story, confronting the old and the new generations in an exciting and terrifying quest to the unknown."

This is a French creature feature.

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