Under Paris

Set in the Summer of 2024, the film unfolds in Paris which is hosting the World Triathlon Championships on the Seine for the first time. Sophia, a brilliant scientist, learns from Mika, a young environmental activist, that a large shark is swimming deep in the river. To avoid a bloodbath at the heart of the city, they have no choice but to join forces with Adil, the Seine river police commander.

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Anaïs Parello
Iñaki Lartigue
Nassim Lyes
Bérénice Bejo
Anaïs Parello
Iñaki Lartigue
Nassim Lyes
Bérénice Bejo

Awaiting Release
June 5, 2024 (Netflix)




Will debut on Netflix.

Previously known as Sharks.

Directed by Xavier Gens (Frontier(s), Hitman, The Divide, The Crucifixion, Cold Skin).

This is a French killer shark movie.

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