The Hunger

No official plot yet, but the original focused on "Miriam Blaylock, the last of a race of vampires who’ve lived thousands of years, feeding off the blood of victims. The bloodsucker has told her lovers she will give them immortality by injecting them with her extraordinary blood. In truth, eventually they age and when it does it happens rapidly, sending them toward an eternal undead state. When the vampire’s lover begins to show signs of aging, she seeks the help of a scientist who specializes in blood and thinks she has found a breakthrough bestowing eternal youth."

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In Development




This project is in the early stages of development, as a script has yet to be written. (5/18/21)

Directed by Angela Robinson (D.E.B.S.Herbie Fully Loaded, Professor Marston & the Wonder Women).

Written by Jessica Sharzer (American Horror Story, Nerve, A Simple Favor).

This is a remake of the 1983 film with the same name from director Tony Scott. The original film was based on a novel by Whitley Strieber.



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