The Moogai

A young Aboriginal couple have just had their first child, but what should be one of the happiest times in their lives turns to terror when Sarah starts seeing a malevolent spirit she believes is trying to take her baby. Her husband Fergus desperately wants to believe her, but as she becomes more unstable he is increasingly concerned for the safety of their child. Is Sarah really being visited by a child-stealing spirit or is she the biggest threat to their family’s safety?

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Average: 3.3 (9 votes)

Shari Sebbens
Meyne Wyatt
Tessa Rose
Shari Sebbens
Meyne Wyatt
Tessa Rose

Awaiting Release
TBD 2024/2025





There's currently no US distribution.

Writer/director Jon Bell returns to helm this feature length version.

This is an Australian horror movie that's based on the 2020 short film with the same name.

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