Psycho Killer

Follows Jane Thorne (Campbell), a police officer who makes it her mission to take down a serial killer referred to on the news as the ‘Satanic Slasher,’ following the murder of her state trooper husband.

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Logan Miller
Georgina Campbell
James Preston Rogers
Logan Miller
Georgina Campbell
James Preston Rogers

TBD 2024/2025 (Theaters)



Rated R for "strong bloody violence, strong sexual content, graphic nudity, drug use and language."


Filmed in Michigan.

Logan Miller will play "Marvin, a goth-type nebbish who works for the mysterious Pendleton in his massive mansion."

Directed by producer-turned-director Gavin Polone (producer of films such as Stir of Echoes, Panic Room, Primeval, Zombieland and the hit series Curb Your Enthusiasm)

Written by Andrew Kevin Walker (Brainscan, Se7en, Sleepy Hollow, The Wolfman).

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