Lumberjack the Monster

Akira Ninomiya (Kamenashi) is a remorseless lawyer who doesn't hesitate to eliminate anyone who stands in his way. One night he is brutally attacked by an unknown assailant wearing a "monster mask." Although he miraculously survives the assault, Ninomiya becomes fixated on finding the attacker and getting revenge. Meanwhile, a series of gruesome murder occur where the victims are found with their brains removed from their bodies. While police conduct an intensive investigation, Ninomiya seeks revenge against the assaulter. Who will uncover the truth first?!

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Kazuya Kamenashi
Riho Yoshioka
Shota Sometani
Kazuya Kamenashi
Riho Yoshioka
Shota Sometani

Awaiting Release
June 1, 2024 (Netflix)



Netflix will distribute in the US via their streaming service.

Directed by Takashi Miike (Audition, Ichi the Killer, One Missed Call, Blade of the Immortal).

This is a Japanese horror movie that's based on the novel “Kaibutsu no Kikori” by Mayusuke Kurai.

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