Hunting for the Hag

Follows three young women as they venture deep into the woods of central Illinois to hunt for a mysterious legend known as The Hawthorne Hag. Led by aspiring documentary filmmaker Tara, the girls set out to capture The Hag on camera for the first time—but unexpected dangers await them in the forest.

Daniel Roebuck
Jasmine Williams
Sierra Renfro
Alexa Maris
Daniel Roebuck
Jasmine Williams
Sierra Renfro
Alexa Maris

On Demand
April 2, 2024 (VOD)




Lion Heart Distribution distributes in the US.

Filmed in Pontiac, Illinois.

Directed Paul A. Brooks was quoted saying: "I wanted to make a horror movie that toys with your expectations. ‘Hag’ starts as one thing and then morphs into something totally different. There’s a lot of twists and turns, so hopefully our audience has fun with that. This is a film about three women making a film and having all of it go horribly wrong." Adding... "The Hag, is a legendary entity that’s part of the Illinois folklore. Supposedly, her name was Ollie Yarger and she was someone who lived in Hawthorne, IL in the early 1800’s. She was falsely accused of murdering a child and was hanged for the crime. The legend says that she haunts the woods, seeking vengeance on those who killed her. In reality, I was inspired by an 80’s movie called “Mother’s Day”, which tells the tale of three women on a camping excursion and a deformed woman named Queenie, who also roams the woods."

Described as a "found footage hybrid horror film."

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