Kill Your Lover

Dakota and Axel’s relationship is a toxic mess. She knows it, everybody does… except Axel. The only thing is, until Dakota tries to break up with Axel, she doesn’t know how truly toxic it will become. The mere idea of splitting up causes Axel to become intensely ill, sprouting grotesque black veins and excreting a strange sticky liquid. His touch burns flesh and his need to hang onto Dakota becomes irrationally powerful.

Nobody is going to take her away from him, not even the paramedics that Dakota calls to deal with Axel’s rapidly worsening condition. The two grapple with what remains of their once passionate relationship - and how what was built on sexual passion and punk rock could end with blood spilt, lives lost and at least one heart broken, literally.

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Shane Quigley-Murphy
Paige Gilmour
Shane Quigley-Murphy
Paige Gilmour

Awaiting Release
June 7, 2024 (VOD)



Dark Sky Films distributes in the US.

Filmed in London, England, UK.

This marks the feature-filmmaking debut of Alix Austin and Keir Siewert, following award-winning short films such as Sucker, Portrait, and Retch.

Described as a "study of the dark side of relationships, combining frank sexuality with intense body horror."

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