Insane Like Me?

Revolves around a combat veteran who returns home after a tour of duty overseas. He becomes the lead suspect in his girlfriend's disappearance and is subsequently wrongly convicted and incarcerated. Nine years later he is released from the mental asylum, he returns home to find the truth and settle the score.

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Average: 3.3 (7 votes)

Eric Roberts
Britt Bankhead
Grace Patterson
Samantha Reddy
Eric Roberts
Britt Bankhead
Grace Patterson
Samantha Reddy

Awaiting Release
June 4, 2024 (VOD)




DeskPop Entertainment distributes in the US.

Filmed in Texas.

The directorial debut of Chip Joslin.

Described as a "twisted supernatural thriller where no one trusts what they think they see."

This is a vampire movie.

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